Report Layout

a mockup of a bound A4 report
a mockup of a bound A4 report
an icon representing reports and brochures
an icon representing reports and brochures
a logo for Adobe InDesign
a logo for Adobe InDesign




Create visually appealing reports using beautiful images and infographics.

a logo for Adobe Illustrator
a logo for Adobe Illustrator
a logo for Adobe Photoshop
a logo for Adobe Photoshop


Reports can range widely from text heavy to mainly data reporting purposes and from short 16 to over 200 pages in length. Layouts need not only to look appealing and easy to read but must accurately represent the information in a useful way.

Reports come in various formats, ranging from those with lengthy texts to those primarily focused on data reporting. They can be as short as 16 pages or as long as over 200 pages.

Whether text or data, the layout plays a vital role in ensuring that the information is presented in a clear and organised manner.

a magazine article spread with colourful charts and infographics
a magazine article spread with colourful charts and infographics
a report spread showing pictures and text
a report spread showing pictures and text
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